China CQ International Invention Exhibition

China CQ International Invention Exhibition

Fee breakdown
Enterprises/ Individuals
Innovative Invention Category
Fee: CNY¥19,800/ NTD$91,000/ USD$2,800
A maximum of 3 works (with no restrictions on exhibits) can be presented at one booth
Individuals/ Students (within 7 people)
Innovative Invention Category/ Creative Works Category
Fee: CNY¥3,300/ NTD$15,000/ USD$500
Only one work will be evaluated per booth.
Early Bird Offer
The earlier you register, the more discounts you get.
March Promotion(Deadline: 3/31)
Enterprises/Individuals: CNY¥16,830/ NTD$77,350/ USD$2,380
Individuals/Students(within 7 people): CNY2,810/ NTD12,750/ USD425
April Promotion(Deadline: 4/30)
Enterprises/Individuals: CNY¥17,820/ NTD$81,900/ USD$2,520
Individuals/Students(within 7 people): CNY2,970/ NTD13,500/ USD450
May Promotion(Deadline: 5/31)
Enterprises/Individuals: CNY¥18,810/ NTD$86,450/ USD$2,660
Individuals/Students(within 7 people): CNY3,140/ NTD14,250/ USD475
Payment Information
(Countries or Regions(Without Taiwan))
Account Name: Twedison Technology Co., Ltd.
Account Number: 35108000074928
Swift Code: SCSBTWTP035
Bank Address: No. 489, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan
Bank Name: The Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank, Chung Kang Branch
Payment Information
(Taiwanese Exhibitors)
Account Name: Twedison Technology Co., Ltd.
Account Number: 35102000105905
Bank Code: 011
Branch Code: 0358Bank Address: No. 489, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan
Bank Name: The Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank, Chung Kang Branch
Contact Information
Chongqing Teng Hung Chi Creative Invention Educational Technology Co., Ltd
Organizer :
4th Floor, CoralComplex Building, No. 146, Nanhu Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing,ChinaTEL:86-023-6248 5738
Email: officialciie@gmail.com
Contact Number or Whatsapp:
+886 901228466